Digital Marketing

Google Ads vs Facebook Ads: Which Is one is Better For Your Online Store?

A business is like a baby to an entrepreneur. Just like parents want to see their kids happy, growing, and flourishing with each passing day, an entrepreneur wishes the same. The survival and growth of every business depend upon the efforts made by its owner, even if it is an online store.

Online and eCommerce stores have become very popular in the past few years. Its importance was further escalated during the current epidemic virus. Online stores were able to earn well during the pandemic.

However, running an online store doesn’t allow its owners to sit back and relax. The owners, especially of an eCommerce store, have to pour extra efforts to attract and retain customers. Why?

To explain this simple question, let us give you an example. You are strolling in the street near your vicinity. You see that a new shop has been opened with a perfect variety of products. On the other hand, there is an online store which is also launching with significant fat discounts, about which you know nothing.

Which shop would be able to make you a customer? The physical one, of course, but why? Because you never knew that an online store existed which catered to your needs.

When we talk about an online store or any other online business, the essential fuel to keep an online business thriving is ‘marketing’.

It could not be inaccurate to say that the market is like oxygen to the business. Its survival in the market is dependent upon how much the public knows about it.

To grow your online store, marketing and advertising are necessary. The concept of ads on the website is not new. Successful advertisement of online stores on the internet is a brilliant move.

Not only do these advertisements drive the audience to their store/website. But also increases the awareness amongst the people about the existence of their brand.

So, if you want to bring in more customers to your store, online advertisement is the way. Externally whatever doubt, when we talk about the pioneers of online ads, Google and Facebook dominate it.

Both of them display millions of ads daily. But how would you know which one is the best?

1. Difference Between Facebook Ad and Google Ad

Before we proceed towards discussing the strengths of each, it is imperative to understand both of their differences.

a. Facebook Ads

Facebook is the trendsetter in the league of social media. It is the #1 social networking site. Almost everyone around us has a profile on Facebook.

Being the only platform with the highest no. of active users, it is an excellent advertisement channel.
The advertisements on Facebook are not helping the advertiser but rather the potential customers to find the business. People on Facebook actively follow the people, pages, and groups which align with their interest.

b. Google Ads

Google ads are known as Google AdWords. It is one of the typical popular pay-per-click advertising platforms. Google is no longer only confined to emails.

It has instead captured almost every single thing on the internet.

Google receives approximately 63,000 searches per second every single day. Imagine advertising on the platform where 63,000 users enter their queries.

Google AdWords works on the keywords. When the users enter their query in the search bar, it automatically advertises the products or the store which aligns with those keywords.

The ads will be displayed alongside the search results.

To differentiate in simpler terms, google helps you to fetch new prospects. On the other hand, Facebook guides the users to the products and stores of their interest.

After understanding the primary difference between the two, it’s entirely your choice which one to use to grow your online store.

Below we have compiled the benefits of Google AdWords and Facebook Ads. These will help you select the suitable advertisement channel within your budget and bring the desired results.

2. Google AdWords

Google stands to be the prime search engine in the entire world. It has a diverse range of audiences from all across the globe. It has captured 75% of the search engine market.

a. Mass Audience

According to Google, the search request they receive every year is 1.2 trillion. The main reason business opts for google is that they know that no other search engine would be able to give them exposure to the audience, not in hundreds and thousands, but instead in billions and trillions.

b. Multiple Ad Formats

Advertisers using Google ads can benefit from using several features to make their ads more engaging and relevant to the user. Ad extensions, site links, user feedback, geo-targeting, etc., are to list a few.

It also provides multiple features to marketers. Furthermore, it offers an unmatched diversity of control to its users.

Google also provides ad formats that are tailored per the custom requirements of some specific kinds of businesses.

c. Buying Intent

The best thing about using Google ads is that the users who enter their query intend to use or buy that product.

Let’s be honest; when do we turn to google? When we need answers, right? Nobody visits google randomly. People visit when they have intent.

d. Track your Campaign

Google not only advertises your store but also enables you to track the responses generated by the public.
It gives you all the required information, such as the number of clicks, traffic generated on your website, etc., in a very easy-to-understand format.

e. Brand Awareness

More than increasing the sales volume, every brand endeavours to build its brand awareness. The general audience will become your customers only if they know that your online store exists.

3. Facebook Ads

The social media gorilla Facebook has more than 2.6 billion users around the globe. The various important benefit of advertising on Facebook is that the users who would be inclined towards your products will be directed to your page.

a. Desired Audience

As easy as it is to find the answers to your queries on It is equally comfortable to find the audience whose interests and likes align with your business.

Facebook is not only limited to youngsters anymore. In the past few years, many middle-aged and senior citizens have also joined this platform. Therefore, it is straightforward to find your target audience on this social networking site.

b. Audience Transparency

Concerning reaching the audience, Facebook has high transparency. Facebook gives the self-selecting audience targeting option to the advertisers. It provides more control and command to target the audience, which you think would be influenced by your product.

c. Visual Platform

Imagine Facebook without pictures and videos, boring.

Facebook Ads are a wonderful blend of pictures, text, video, audio, etc., making it easily diffusible in the user’s newsfeed. While your user is busy scrolling the site, your ad may make him visit your store.

d. Keeps the Existing Audience Engaged

A brand without a business page is something odd in the current era. A business’s Facebook page is treated as a second website of the company.

A business’s objective shouldn’t only be to attract more customers and retain its customers and turn them into brand loyal.

Having a Facebook helps you engage with your customers, answer their queries, and receive their feedback. Treating your customers well will help you to grow ever more.

e. Remarketing

As the term suggests, advertising again. Facebook ads let you advertise your products or brand to the visitors who landed on your Facebook page or the eCommerce store in the past.

The customers (prospects) must witness your brand around 3-7 times to make a buying decision. Constant remarketing might compel the user to visit your page or the business website.

4. Google Ads versus Facebook Ads

The above topic is a significant concern for many marketers. Both digital marketing and advertising gorillas have their own set of pros and cons. Instead of asking: Google v/s Facebook, your question should be: Resources v/s Desired Outcomes.

If your product or eCommerce store has something for the people who will most likely mention it on google, then google ads may be a good option for you.

On the extra hand, if your product is not an available item and is targeted for a particular niche, then Google will not be the right platform. Google ads work well when users enter their queries. There are very tiny chances for unique and tailor-made products that it will ever make into the google query.

Ere progressing a judgment about which platform to use, it would be advisable to understand the mechanics, charges, reach, and return on investment offered by both the tycoons.

5. Conclusion

Every business has different needs. What works for one company doesn’t guarantee that it’ll work for yours too. Keenly observe what your business requires and only then decide where to allocate your budget for digital campaigning.

Ricky Hayes

Ricky Hayes is the Co-Founder and Head of Marketing at Debutify - free Shopify theme, helping dropshippers build high-converting stores in minutes. He is a passionate entrepreneur running multiple businesses, marketing agencies and mentoring programs.

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