Web Technology

4 Tips for Building a Website for a Tech Business

Nowadays, a website is one of the most important assets a company can have, but this is especially true for tech businesses. A well-designed web site is an example of your standard primary marketing tools, and without one, you will nevermore remain capable of getting your business off the ground.

There exist various causes why a good website is crucial for your success, but the most important one is that it defines your potential customers’ first impression of you. If you want the opportunity to grow your business and make a profit, you’ll need to know all of the tips for building the perfect website.

1. Start with the right domain name.


One thing no website can exist without is a domain name. Each domain name yourself will be your business’s online location, but unfortunately, many people don’t understand how? It’s crucial to determine the right one.

Not only will it define your brand, but it will also affect your SEO and determine what kind of a first impression your business makes. Ideally, you should find a cheap domain name that also has the following characteristics:
Perfect length.

The most common one is 12 characters and contains two words, so you should keep it between 6 and 14 characters long. Anything longer than that leaves more room for mistakes and is less memorable.

Keywords. If you want your domain name to help you improve your SEO, you can incorporate a keyword related to your niche into it. It would help if you avoided keyword stuffing that will lead to a negative user experience and make sure the keywords you use flow well together.

The right extension. There are numerous different domain name extensions, but the most popular and trustworthy one is “.com”. As much as 37.16% of all domains end in “.com”, and it’s the extension most people type in when they’re visiting a website, so it would be smart to choose that one.

However, it’s important to note that many good domains are already taken, and you will probably have to make some compromises when registering yours. Some elements you should never include are hyphens, numbers, acronyms, and homophones. These all have the potential to confuse your website visitors and have them end up on a completely different site.

2. Enable easy website communication

When customers come to your business’ website, they want to know more about your products and solutions, but they want to know about your company as well. Many people need to put a face to the name and know who they are working with before they can trust a business.

This is why easy website communication is essential, and why you need to have an “About Us” page as well as different ways customers can communicate with you. Many tech companies missed the opportunity to convert website visitors because of poor communication.

Talking to customers doesn’t have to be inconvenient and seen as a chore. You must use the perfect tool to improve communication on your website and make your customer support team’s job much more comfortable.

For instance, if you use WordPress to build your website, you can install a WordPress helpdesk plugin to give you a convenient way to support your site visitors via tickets. They work just as well if not better than similar SaaS tools and only require a one-time fee instead of a recurring fee.

3. Do not be anxious to have a unique design.

There’s no denying that the tech industry is very competitive, and there are countless websites online that promise the same things you’re promising to your customers. However, if you look at those sites closely, you will realize that most of them are very similar.

For some reason, most people who build tech websites believe that the design has to be bland and tedious without a dash of creativity or character. Instead of exciting and exciting elements, visitors are greeted by many boring and big words they usually gloss over.

Just because everyone is doing this, it doesn’t mean it’s right. Don’t be afraid to differentiate yourself from the competition and add personality and flair to your site. Incorporate elements from modern web design such as immersive 3D elements, soft shadows, and bold fonts to create a great user experience.

As many as 38 cents of visitors will stop engaging with a website design if the content or layout is unattractive. But if you have a beautiful and modern design paired with great content, you will manage to entice your customers and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

4. Create product tour pages

Regardless of what kind of technology business you run, the product or service you offer to customers most likely has a plethora of different configurations, features, and functionalities. It’s essential to explain all of this information to customers, but you should also be careful about how you do it.

Many tech companies make the mistake of trying to explain everything through text. Even though strong writing and excellent copy are essential for providing visitors with the necessary information, there are better ways you can familiarize potential customers with your offerings.

If you want to shorten the amount of time it takes your website visitors to get a full grip on the technology you’re offering, you should create product tour pages. These pages can vary in format and design, but they’re usually in the form of a gallery, and they make great use of videos and graphics to get their point across. A useful product tour page has:

  • Sequential steps. Define each step clearly either through a picture gallery, long scrolling page, or a video sequence. Make sure to move the visitor down a logical path that ends in conversion.
  • Bite-sized content. During each step of your tour page, highlight only one crucial aspect of your product or service so customers can easily understand and digest it.
  • Clear CTA. At the end of your product tour, you need a clear CTA that will tell your customers precisely what they need to do to convert into customers. The most common CTAs in the tech industry are ‘Schedule a free assessment’ and ‘Request a demo.’

Finally, you need to remember that your product tour pages’ essential thing is short and to the point. Your visitors lead busy lives and their time is precious, so try to explain whence your goods or service can enhance their lives in as few words as possible.

5. Final thoughts

Building a website is one of the most important things you will do for your company. Even if you put a lot of focus on your offerings, you won’t be able to sell any products or services unless you have a well-designed site where customers can find out everything.

Don’t make a mistake many other tech businesses have by creating a tedious and drab website. Instead, follow the tips you just read about, and you will have a general and high-converting tech site.

Tech Trends

We are Full Stack Web Developers, Freelancers, Tech bloggers, and SEO Experts. We are passionate about Science & Technology, Gadgets, Business, and Entertainment.

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